
Showing posts from August, 2021

Saurav Sarma

Blogger Saurav  ( Saurav Sarma ). Instagram

ঐতিহাসিক লাউগাওঁ গেট | Lau-Gaon Gate Bridge | LauGaon Bridge at Pohumara...


Who is Blogger Saurav?

Blogger Saurav is a YouTube channel's name, which is owned by Saurajyoti Sarma. Saurajyoti Sarma is popular as Saurav Sarma. That means the Blogger Saurav, Saurav Sarma and Saurajyoti Sarma is only one person with different names.   He is belong from Pathsala (Baghmara), which is located in assam's newly declared district Bajali. He is present on every Social-media platform as Saurav Sarma. Blogger Saurav's YouTube channel link is given below... Go and check the channel description for his Social-media handles. Saurav Sarma (Blogger Saurav)